Friday, July 28, 2006

yesterday we went to disneyland. normally, its any combination of lucas, marin, myself and a random friend thrown in. this time was the same, including some distant friends of ours and their three children - two being under five and one girl around marin's age.

i dont care too much for the couple, really...stemming back to an incident right around when lucas proposed and i was showing my ring...apparently she had gotten a ring like mine and "made dave take it back because it wasn't big enough"...uh uh, bitch. keep shit like that to yourself. of course, this is catty...but hey, im a chick. and fuck her.

anyways, it was nice to have another girl marin's age for her to cruise with.

in any case, it was an awesome day at the d. we stayed til it closed...meandered about mostly only riding a few rides...stopped in the grand cali lobby a few times for some cocktails, rode the water ride with the hubs and only got slightly doused...actually found healthy food to eat. good times.

slept like the dead on the way home. walked in to find that my dog had shat the map of the hawaiian islands on my floor.

i think i finally cracked while cleaning up kuai.

good times.

in other pet news, my kitty is sick. i hope its not the hiv.

he has an appt. tomorrow. keep your paws crossed.


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