Thursday, April 13, 2006

i have this little black book in my purse. actually i have two. i thought, hey...i get a lot of ideas and im no longer stationed in front of a computer due to bartending...i should have something i can scribble into so i dont forget my caffeinated musings. that gets quite frustrating.

it comes in handy, mostly. i have decided to write a book about the patrons in my pub...when i imagine it, it seems like a worthy read. interestingly enough, there are quite a few characters which frequent that pub. as a bartender, you get to overhear some pretty noteworthy comments.

so yeah. ideas.

another journal? do i really need *three*?

i suppose if only to keep in touch with those who have migrated away from the usual sites i frequent. or something new to play with. something fresh and free of any past limitations or lameness...a clean slate to soil and sunder with my profuse worries and wonders.


i hate the word blog tho.


1 comment:

brandy said...

i it is an ugly word.